Monday, November 12, 2007

Overwhelming Start

Okay, I get it... there's a ton of people tuning into water issues everywhere. It seems like I can't go a single day without some confirmation of the problem. Last night I was watching the Travel Channel as I eased into a restless nights sleep. The topic? The Colorado River. If you missed it and get the Travel Channel, here's the schedule. It's worth a watch. The Colorado River is the main player when it comes to water in the Southwest.

So I'm off to a bit of an overwhelming start. Besides being new to blogging, I need to catalogue the information in some coherent form. As I work on a meaningful depository of articles, blogs, documentaries, websites, etc., I realize how green I am. (Yes, pun intended). Right now I'm tracking these in a word document with the hope of posting each along with some editorial content, but that may not be realistic because it's coming faster than I can even assemble it. So maybe watch for a post of the list. I plan to include that in the website and add comments inside the blog.

The number of environmentally sensitive blogs is really taxing based on a narrow search. I'm not sure how this one will play out in the long run, but I guess you have to start somewhere. I'm open to suggestions for content and hope to roll it out over time.


Linda G. said...

Thanks for a much needed site for addressing local water issues and for a discussion of the way water, or the lack of it, in other areas affects us here in the southwest.
We are on a well that has produced less each year for the 23 years we've lived on this property.

I'm learnig from other bloggers that drought is affecting the south and the midwest.

RE IN AZ said...

I appreciate you stopping in. There are so many issues regarding wells in our area. Have you been named in any suits regarding the Verde River Water shed? I spoke with an owner today that received notice in the Williamson Valley area and am wondering how that's going to impact others.